Circle Magnets


Tunneling effects in external magnetic fields are discussed in the model problem of a charged particle on a vertical rotating circle in a uniform gravitational field. The magnetic fields used are the ones for the monopole and a certain solution that arises in the context of the classical Weinberg-Salam model. Using instanton methods and the Gaussian approximation, various consequences regarding the tunnelling amplitudes and the level splittings in the presence of magnetic fields are obtained.

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Custom Circle Magnet

Let the world know what's important to you as you drive down the highway. With personalized Circle Car Magnets from CafePress, you can express your passion for a cause or a funny quote from your favorite show, all without having to deal with nasty stickers that tear away and degrade over time. Shop our large inventory of Magnetic Tape, Magnet Rolls, Custom Printed Fridge Magnets, Magnetic Wall Coverings, Neodymium Magnets and more! Custom 1.5' Circle.

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Circle Magnets

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We will send you a digital online proof for your review and once approved, we will make an actual sample of your magnet and ship it through FedEx Overnight and takes about 2 business days for arrival. The additional cost is $65.

Circle Magnets Toy


Circle Magnets Printing

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