Evernote Project Management

Learn how to unleash the power of Evernote for you every day! I have used Evernote for project management for years. Evernote is also known as my brain. It works hard to capture my ideas, store important information, and keep me organized all at the same time.

In a matter of minutes and without a single line of code, Zapier allows you to automatically send info between Evernote and Project Manager. Get started with workflows like: Create ProjectManager.com tasks from Evernote notes. Or check out the rest of our guided workflows. Save time with Zapier; it's. Project management is a set of techniques that anyone can apply to achieve goals and make projects more successful. Project management can be used to guide small, simple projects as well as complex enterprise-wide initiatives. Bonnie Biafore has always been fascinated by how things work and how to make things work better.

Evernote has Notebooks, Notes & Tags


Notebooks = File Cabinet​
Tags = Folders
Notes = Information/Notes you put in the folders

TAGGING is powerful! You can use as many tags as you want!

To learn the basics of Evernote read blog and watch video at:

Evernote puts everything in order:

Evernote puts everything in alphabetical and numerical order.
You can override this by numbering your notebooks or tags 1_Name of Notebook, 2_Name of Notebook etc.

Two Ways To Organize Evernote

1) Create a notebook called Cabinet

Put everything in the cabinet notebook

2) Use Tags to organize everything

See Tagging System below

Organize your projects in Evernote Quick Tip From #TheWriteCoach @Joyce_Glass

1) Create a Notebook for each project

EX. Notebook
Tips From The Write Coach
TWC Clients - tag clients by name
TWC Social Media
VA - The Write Coach

2) Create a tagging system

If you are working with others, to assign a Task
@ Joyce @ Amanda
Priority of Task 1- Now, 2- Next, 3 - Soon, 4- Later, 5- Someday, 6 - waiting
Naming Groups of Task -
Ex. In Tips From The Write Coach Notebook
Tag -> Tips From The Write Coach, Blog Planning

WATCH Facebook Live video below for more details.

Example Task: Create Emails series for FB ads
1) Notebook: TWC Social Media
2) Tags: FB Ad For Blog Post Blueprint
3) Assign: @ VA
3) Name of Task: FB Ad Email Campaign
4) Priority: 1- Now
5) Set a due date. - If you are not completed by the due date, You need to remember to go in and change it.
6) Review Task - You can view all task at the top of each notebook, and check them off when you complete them.

Suggestion: To keep task list uncluttered you may want to create a Completed Task tag or notebook to remove them from the current list. ​

WATCH Facebook Live video below for more details.

Watch the video for a better understanding how this can work in Evernote.

Using Evernote For Project Management

Watch Facebook LIVE Post!

What do you use to organize
your projects?

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the Facebook Comments below!

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Evernote task manager

About the Author

Joyce Glass, The Write Coach, helps writers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners use the power of story to connect with clients. People may not remember what you say, but they will remember your story. Joyce takes her clients through the book writing process from the idea of a writing a book to the finished manuscript. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book or in the process. Joyce loves to help her clients break it down into manageable steps. Some people start multiple books, and never finish. Joyce helps you reach the finish line.

Project Management Institute

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